Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychology Notes

Notes Definition of psychology: Psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes Science: approach to knowledge based on systematic observation Behavior: directly observable and measurable human actions Mental processes: private psychological activities that include thinking, perceiving, and feeling Theories: tentative explanation of facts and relationship in sciences 4 goals of psychology: 1 . Describe: the information gathered through specific research helps psychologists describe psychological phenomena more accurately and completely. Predict: psychologists are able to predict future behavior. 3. Understand: behavior and mental processes when we can explain why they happen. 4. Influence: psychologists hope to go beyond description, understanding, and prediction to Influence behavior in beneficial ways. Introspection: the process of looking inward at one's own consciousness Structuralism: the 19th century school of psychology that sought to determine the structure of the mi nd through controlled introspection.Gestalt psychology: the school of thought based on the belief that human unconsciousness cannot be broken down into Its elements Gestalt: an organized or unified whole Phi phenomenon: the perceptions of apparent movement between two stationary stimuli J. Henry Olsson: is the best known for his studies of the sensations of heat and cold. He discovered that we feel cold when one kind of nerve ending in the skin is stimulated, and we feel warm feel intense heat only when both the warmth and cold receptors in the skin are stimulated at the same time.Functionalism: the 19th century school of psychology that emphasized the useful functions of consciousness Cognition: mental processes of perceiving, beveling, talking, remembering, knowing, deciding, and so on. Cognitive processes, such as perception, memory, and thinking Hermann Banishes: he memorized lists of information and measured his memory for them after different intervals of time.He invented an e ntirely new set of meaningless items for his experiment called nonsense syllables such as KEBAB and MUG. Mary Whiten Calking: was a prominent teacher and researcher who was a leader in research on memory. She developed a method to study memory that differed from Banishes. She also pioneered the scientific study of dreams. Alfred Bines (Psychometrics): the useful functions of conscious mental processes in a very different but very practical direction. He developed a way to measure intelligence.Psychometrics: the perspective in psychology founded by Bines that focuses on the measurement of mental functions Behaviorism: the school of psychology that emphasizes the process of learning and the measurement of overt behavior Social learning theory: the viewpoint that the most important aspects of our behavior re learned from other persons in society?family, friends, and culture Unconscious mind: all mental activity of which we are unaware Motives: internal states or conditions that activat e behavior and give it direction Psychoanalysis: the technique of helping persons with emotional problems based on Sigmund Fraud's theory of the unconscious mind Humanistic psychology: the psychological view that human beings possess an innate tendency to improve and determine their lives by the decisions they make Neuroscience perspective: the viewpoint in psychology that focuses on the nervous yester in explaining behavior and mental processes Coloratura perspective: the theory of psychology that states that it is necessary to understand one's culture, ethnic identity, and other coloratura factors to fully understand a person Culture: the patterns of behavior, beliefs, and values shared by a group of people ancestors Ethnic identity: each person's sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group Gender identity: one's view of oneself as male of female Cultural relativity: the perspective that promotes thinking of different cultures in elate terms rather than Judgmental terms Colora tura factors in the history of psychology: Laurel Promote and Elizabeth Scarborough, Leonard Crasser, and Ellen Kismet have helped change our view of the role of women in the history of psychology by reminding us of some key facts. In the early days of psychology, it was extremely difficult of the most qualified women to obtain admission to graduate programs, when they receive training; they were rarely offered teaching position at the male- dominated institutions that they had the best equipped laboratories. Basic Areas of Modern Psychology: 1 .Biological psychology: study the ways in which the nervous system and other organs provide the basis for behavior. 2. Sensation and perception: how the sense organs operate and how we interpret incoming sensory information in the process of perception 3. Learning and memory: the ways in which we learn and remember new information, new skills, new habits, and new ways of relating to other people are studied in this problem solving 4. Cognitio n: with intelligent action: thinking, receiving, planning, imagining, creating, dreaming, speaking, listening, and problem solving 5. Developmental psychology: with changes that take place in people during their life span, as they grow from birth to old age 6.Motivation and emotion: the needs and states that activate and guide behaviors, such as hunger, thirst, sex, the need of achievement, the need to have relationships with others. The nature of the feelings and moods that color human experience is also a topic of this specialty 7. Personality: focuses on the more or less consistent ways of behaving that heartier our personalities 8. Social psychology: the influence of other people on our behavior: the behavior of people in groups, mobs, or organizations; interpersonal attraction and intimate relationships; and attitudes and prejudice toward others 9. Coloratura psychology: focus on ethnic and cultural factors, gender identity, sexual orientation, and related issues. Applied Areas of Modern Psychology: 1 .Clinical psychology: try to understand and treat emotional problems and correct abnormal behavior 2. Counseling psychology: help people with personal or school robbers and with career choices 3. Industrial and organizational psychology: focuses on ways to match employees to Jobs, to train and motivate workers, and to promote Job satisfaction and good relationships among workers 4. Educational and school psychology: is concerned with the ways children learn in the classroom and focus on the ways in which pressures, conflicts, hardships, and other factors contribute to poor health. To prevent health problems such as heart disease by teaching people to relax, exercise, control their diets, and stop high risk behaviors, such as smoking. Psychology Notes Notes Definition of psychology: Psychology: the science of behavior and mental processes Science: approach to knowledge based on systematic observation Behavior: directly observable and measurable human actions Mental processes: private psychological activities that include thinking, perceiving, and feeling Theories: tentative explanation of facts and relationship in sciences 4 goals of psychology: 1 . Describe: the information gathered through specific research helps psychologists describe psychological phenomena more accurately and completely. Predict: psychologists are able to predict future behavior. 3. Understand: behavior and mental processes when we can explain why they happen. 4. Influence: psychologists hope to go beyond description, understanding, and prediction to Influence behavior in beneficial ways. Introspection: the process of looking inward at one's own consciousness Structuralism: the 19th century school of psychology that sought to determine the structure of the mi nd through controlled introspection.Gestalt psychology: the school of thought based on the belief that human unconsciousness cannot be broken down into Its elements Gestalt: an organized or unified whole Phi phenomenon: the perceptions of apparent movement between two stationary stimuli J. Henry Olsson: is the best known for his studies of the sensations of heat and cold. He discovered that we feel cold when one kind of nerve ending in the skin is stimulated, and we feel warm feel intense heat only when both the warmth and cold receptors in the skin are stimulated at the same time.Functionalism: the 19th century school of psychology that emphasized the useful functions of consciousness Cognition: mental processes of perceiving, beveling, talking, remembering, knowing, deciding, and so on. Cognitive processes, such as perception, memory, and thinking Hermann Banishes: he memorized lists of information and measured his memory for them after different intervals of time.He invented an e ntirely new set of meaningless items for his experiment called nonsense syllables such as KEBAB and MUG. Mary Whiten Calking: was a prominent teacher and researcher who was a leader in research on memory. She developed a method to study memory that differed from Banishes. She also pioneered the scientific study of dreams. Alfred Bines (Psychometrics): the useful functions of conscious mental processes in a very different but very practical direction. He developed a way to measure intelligence.Psychometrics: the perspective in psychology founded by Bines that focuses on the measurement of mental functions Behaviorism: the school of psychology that emphasizes the process of learning and the measurement of overt behavior Social learning theory: the viewpoint that the most important aspects of our behavior re learned from other persons in society?family, friends, and culture Unconscious mind: all mental activity of which we are unaware Motives: internal states or conditions that activat e behavior and give it direction Psychoanalysis: the technique of helping persons with emotional problems based on Sigmund Fraud's theory of the unconscious mind Humanistic psychology: the psychological view that human beings possess an innate tendency to improve and determine their lives by the decisions they make Neuroscience perspective: the viewpoint in psychology that focuses on the nervous yester in explaining behavior and mental processes Coloratura perspective: the theory of psychology that states that it is necessary to understand one's culture, ethnic identity, and other coloratura factors to fully understand a person Culture: the patterns of behavior, beliefs, and values shared by a group of people ancestors Ethnic identity: each person's sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group Gender identity: one's view of oneself as male of female Cultural relativity: the perspective that promotes thinking of different cultures in elate terms rather than Judgmental terms Colora tura factors in the history of psychology: Laurel Promote and Elizabeth Scarborough, Leonard Crasser, and Ellen Kismet have helped change our view of the role of women in the history of psychology by reminding us of some key facts. In the early days of psychology, it was extremely difficult of the most qualified women to obtain admission to graduate programs, when they receive training; they were rarely offered teaching position at the male- dominated institutions that they had the best equipped laboratories. Basic Areas of Modern Psychology: 1 .Biological psychology: study the ways in which the nervous system and other organs provide the basis for behavior. 2. Sensation and perception: how the sense organs operate and how we interpret incoming sensory information in the process of perception 3. Learning and memory: the ways in which we learn and remember new information, new skills, new habits, and new ways of relating to other people are studied in this problem solving 4. Cognitio n: with intelligent action: thinking, receiving, planning, imagining, creating, dreaming, speaking, listening, and problem solving 5. Developmental psychology: with changes that take place in people during their life span, as they grow from birth to old age 6.Motivation and emotion: the needs and states that activate and guide behaviors, such as hunger, thirst, sex, the need of achievement, the need to have relationships with others. The nature of the feelings and moods that color human experience is also a topic of this specialty 7. Personality: focuses on the more or less consistent ways of behaving that heartier our personalities 8. Social psychology: the influence of other people on our behavior: the behavior of people in groups, mobs, or organizations; interpersonal attraction and intimate relationships; and attitudes and prejudice toward others 9. Coloratura psychology: focus on ethnic and cultural factors, gender identity, sexual orientation, and related issues. Applied Areas of Modern Psychology: 1 .Clinical psychology: try to understand and treat emotional problems and correct abnormal behavior 2. Counseling psychology: help people with personal or school robbers and with career choices 3. Industrial and organizational psychology: focuses on ways to match employees to Jobs, to train and motivate workers, and to promote Job satisfaction and good relationships among workers 4. Educational and school psychology: is concerned with the ways children learn in the classroom and focus on the ways in which pressures, conflicts, hardships, and other factors contribute to poor health. To prevent health problems such as heart disease by teaching people to relax, exercise, control their diets, and stop high risk behaviors, such as smoking.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Information Age & its Impact on United States Essay

number of propositions. It implies that there is more information now than ever before an indisputable claim. The concept also implies that more people spend more time producing and using more information than ever before another indisputable assertion. Beyond that, the Information Age also suggests that the role of information is more important in the economy than ever before, and that information is replacing some earlier â€Å"fuel† of the American economy (Duncan 1994). These days the primary problem for most organizations and their employees is not the shortage of data but being able to evaluate what is useful and what is not, where to find the good stuff, and then how to use it effectively (Computer Weekly 2005). During the past 25 years, the industry has changed from simple data processing techniques high profile information technology. The challenges of data quality, regulation, access and exploitation are rapidly increasing in urgency (Computer Weekly 2005). For any organization effective information management will make the difference between coping with a dreary burden or using information to gain clarity and build new opportunities. The extended theory founded on this core belief divides U. S. economic history into different eras, depending on the primary economic activity during the period (Duncan 1994). From colonial times until late in the 19th century, the American economy was agrarian. Then, roughly from the dawn of the 20th century through the end of the Second World War, it was preeminently a manufacturing economy. Industry especially heavy industry was the motor that drove the entire economic engine. After World War II, the American economy increasingly came to be dominated by its service sector. By the mid-1950s, more than one-half of all U. S. employment was devoted to providing services rather than to fabricating goods (Duncan 1994). The Pre-Information Age business office was supported by the hierarchical managerial system to keep track of employees and the work they produced (Dmytrenko 1992). Office equipment included information producing tools, such as typewriters and adding machines. Most of the equipment was simple, manual in operation, bulky, and noisy. Clerical staff primarily used this equipment, as they were the appointed information processors of the time. Early efforts to improve office efficiency used industrial engineering techniques, employing time and motion studies to standardize the work tasks of office support staff, and maximize the workflow through effective office design. Information management was categorized as an intensely manual recordkeeping process (Dmytrenko 1992). Filing systems (alpha and/or numeric), and cross-referenced indexes were the prevailing records management techniques employed, and to be on the safe side, offices maintained multiple copies of the same document for back-up purposes. These practices resulted in increasing demands for office space dedicated to files. One source of confusion is the fact that the movements from manufacturing to services, and then to information, were of a different character than in earlier transitions. In the first place, while the transition from an agricultural to a manufacturing-based economy was marked by a decline in the number of jobs in agriculture, there has been no such diminution in the number of manufacturing jobs after the shift to a service economy. Moreover, American manufacturing currently accounts for roughly the same percentage of U. S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as three decades ago (Duncan 1994). As a further complication, many argue that the services sector of the economy simply cannot be seen as a separate segment or an economic subsystem. These observers instead insist that it â€Å"serves† precisely the manufacturing sector it is supposed to have replaced and remains dependent even parasitic on manufacturing (Duncan 1994). Moreover, coming up with clear definitions and boundaries for the information industry is, on reflection, a highly complicated undertaking. The Pre-Information Age home was supported by very basic home appliances. These appliances were either on or off, and the home-user manually directed the status. Outside of some minor kitchen improvements, and the advent of television, the average person saw home advancements limited to seasonal color changes, such as â€Å"avocado green† stoves (Dmytrenko 1992). Ongoing changes prevailed in the automobile industry, but slowly. Overall the era was devoid of any electronic â€Å"intelligence. † Business and the home were very separate and different worlds. The predominant orientation was that working people went to work to work, and the home was a place not to work. The telephone was the only information technology common to both the office and home.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Essay on television news Essay

Television news and current affair programs have become an essential part of our everyday lives in this cutting edge society today. Nine Network’s A Current Affair program is a 30-minute long current affairs program covering politics, crime, human rights, science, technology and many other areas. It is an example of a consumer-oriented program, which seeks to appeal to viewers to get the ratings and thereby generate revenue through advertising for the Nine Network. I will use this current affairs program broadcast on the 2nd November to discuss how the codes of television reinforce the narrative elements in one of the stories presented on the television screen. The current affair story I have chosen which runs for five minutes and eight seconds is about an out-of-control 15-year old Stacey who has been locked in a â€Å"wire cage† for her past seven years. She is severely intellectually handicapped and her mother is forced to lock her up for her own safety reasons. She claims that the Government does not provide sufficient disabilities services and resources in areas such as rural South Australia. Throughout the story, viewers are positioned to sympathize with Stacey’s mother, Kerry. She is portrayed as a victim of the lack of disabilities services, desperately pleading the government to take action. The different camera angles and movement, selection of film footage, background music, voice-overs and word choice are examples of techniques used to enhance the narrative elements in the story such as characterization, point of view, setting, structure and many more. The two main production codes I will focus on are technical and audio codes. The characters of this story include the current affair presenter, Stacey the 15-year old girl, her mother Kerry, a family friend, South Australia Disability Service Minister and Chris Hill the on-spot reporter and interviewee. Various shots such as close-up, longand panning shots are used to show the main character of the story Stacey behind her â€Å"cage†. She is shown clinging on to the â€Å"wire cage† like a prisoner without freedom. Viewers are in this way positioned to feel sorry for her. We normally associate imprisonment with crime and wrong doings. Here, we are presented with an innocent victim suffering from Down syndrome, being denied the basic human right of freedom through no fault of her own. There are also shots filming interviews with Stacey’s mum, Kerry. The close-up shots showing Kerry’s weary and desperate face suggests to viewers that she is also suffering from locking her daughter up in the cage for her own safety and this allows viewers to observe the physical effect of the stressful situation. This makes viewers feel sorry for her as the mother of a handicapped daughter. The shots showing South Australia’s Disability Service Minister busy flipping through his pile of work tells viewers that the minister is very busy and he has other community issues to look at. It shows that the need to help Stacey is low down in the minister’s listed priorities. Viewers react by feeling angered because the government cannot provide these services for families in need. Seeing the Minister in his city office environment contrasted with the rural setting of the Stacey’s â€Å"cage†, viewers can see the huge gap in the importance placed in addressing this problem. The melancholy background music, designed to raise emotions, is also played whenever Stacey appears on the scene, further emphasizing the sufferings of the mother and daughter. The setting of the story is also enhanced by shots showing rural South Australia and Stacey’s â€Å"wire cage†. The long shots are used to show location as isolated and deserted from the major town centres and the voice of Chris Hill further enhances it. There are footages showing the surroundings of the Stacey’s house, suggesting the danger Stacey faces if she is let loosed. The close up shots of the wire cage and the faces behind the â€Å"cage†; and the repetition shots of the opening of the â€Å"cage† reinforce the â€Å"prison† setting Stacey has been living in for the past seven years. The point of view in the story is 90% focused on Stacey’s mother, Kerry and their family friend. Viewers are persuaded to side with them in arguing against the government for the lack of disability services such as day care programs, transport services and other disability services. The footage showing Stacey interacting with the camera as she interrupts the â€Å"normal† narrative flow of the camera work by covering the camera lens show her behaviour as uncontrolled and undisciplined. It also demonstrates clearly to the viewers that Stacey has a lack of understanding of the appropriate behaviour and responses in the world around her. This reinforces the viewpoint of Stacey’s mother that this problem is not exaggerated. The current affair presenter also commented on the â€Å"lack of support provided†, further enhancing that the government is not doing anything. The sympathetic tone is created through the selection of words chosen by the voice-over and presenter. For example, Stacey home is described as a â€Å"domestic detention centre†. This emotive language is normally associated with asylum seekers arriving in our country. Other selective words and adjectives used include â€Å"barbaric† when referred to the action of locking Stacey up and â€Å"Wire Cage† when referred to Stacey’s house. This colourful language is used to make the story seem more interesting and touching. There is also a personal testimony recounting an incident from the past to demonstrate the past and present difficulties faced by Kerry and many other interviews to make the story more truthful. Values and attitudes of the Australian government are also reinforced using technical and audio codes in the story. The Australian Government likes to think of themselves as caring, helpful and supportive. They believe that they have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. This story sets on to show one of the examples of the system failing to provide services for all in the community. In conclusion, the current affair story is put together using the different narrative techniques such as characterization, setting, point of view and tone and it is reinforced through the use of television production codes such as technical and audio codes.

A Womans place is in the home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

A Womans place is in the home - Essay Example Strober’s theory lays the ultimate blame for occupational segregation on the patriarchal system in which men enjoy women’s sexual, child rearing, and domestic services in the household. The immediate blame for occupational sex segregation, however, is laid on employers, most of whom are men. In Strobel's analysis, she states that â€Å"employers basically strive towards two goals (1) profit maximization (wherein if they employ a woman, they will almost invariably pay her less than a male) and (2) enforcing the economic dependency of women on men. The latter is of interest to male employers because it provides the material for the patriarchal system i.e., it forces women to become dependent wives and mothers (employers are said to worry about maintaining women’s dependency on men in social classes other than their own because threats to patriarchy in the working class may lead to threats to patriarchy within management or capitalist class (Blau 1977). Stroberâ₠¬â„¢s theory suggests that women in this society are without question economically disadvantaged compared with men, and this situation is hardly an accident of history or nature. There is obvious ideological (Williams et al 1982) legal (Kanowitz 1969) and informal mechanisms (Bernard, 19/1:88-102).Women’s jobs are not as important as men’s jobsThe notion of perpetual equilibrium sheds some light on this issue.Workers become qualified by making some type of investment in themselves where the decision to invest depends on the gain from qualifying.... sex segregation in an economy that in many other ways may operate according to neo- classical market principles. Strober's theory lays the ultimate blame for occupational segregation on the patriarchal system in which men enjoy women's sexual, child rearing, and domestic services in the household. The immediate blame for occupational sex segregation, however, is laid on employers, most of whom are men. In Strober's analysis she states that, "employers basically strive towards two goals (1) profit maximization (wherein if they employ a woman, they will almost invariably pay her less than a male) and (2)enforcing the economic dependency of women on men. The latter is of interest to male employers because it provides the material for the patriarchal system i.e., it forces women to become dependent wives and mothers(employers are said to worry about maintaining women's dependency on men in social classes other than their own because threats to patriarchy in the working class may lead to threats to patriarchy within management or capitalist class(Blau 1977). Strober's theory suggest that women in this society are without question economically disadvantaged compared with men, and this situation is hardly an accident of history or nature. There are obvious ideological (Williams et al 1982) legal (Kanowitz 1969) and informal mechanisms (Bernard, 19/1:88-102). Women's jobs are not as important as men's jobs The notion of perpetual equilibrium sheds some light on this issue.Workers become3 qualified by making some type of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Plagiarism in Universities in English Speaking Countries Essay

Plagiarism in Universities in English Speaking Countries - Essay Example The rise of plagiarism and its negative impact on the educational sector in these country has raised eye brows and is a major concern on how it can be eliminated or though its causes can be addressed. Because of these researches have been conducted in order to establish the main causes of plagiarism by different authors. According to (Guo Xin 2011) poor academic skills is one of the main causes of plagiarism in most universities. This is because students are not able to distinguish between what article has been paraphrased this way they end up plagiarizing. Due to lack of good academic skills most scholars do not understand why cheating is wrong and can become as a result of plagiarizing. They also lack enough knowledge on how to use in texts and how to phrase the sources .Another factor associated with poor academic skills is that the scholars are unable to plan their time and schedule enough time to do research and also to write their academic papers and articles. Finally in poor a cademic skills ,most students in the English speaking countries are not well trained on writing skills and they have problem of not considering in term academic continuous assessment tests such as writing thesis ,doing assignments and also presentations. They are more focused on the end of term exams. In order to solve this problem Daniel luzer 2011, suggested that teachers should explain to their students how to differentiate between plagiarized articles, the teachers should also promote good academic skills among the students that will ensure that the students understand the importance of doing their work and presenting assignments. The teachers should also teach the students of good time management skills so that they can have time to research and do their own individual works. According to Bam ford,the other factor that causes plagiarism is external pressures. This pressures include the fact that students lack enough resources like money to help them study and facil itate their stay in the learning institutions and also help live better lives at home. Hence, they are forced to plagiarize since it takes less time and take the extra time to work and get money .Secondly most scholars fear the punishment and rejection they would get from their family members and especially parents if they fail t o score well in school. Thirdly, about 60 percent of students experience pressure from the parents and relatives on the fact that they should perform well in school as a means of making the both parties proud. Good performance is viewed as a great necessity among most families. Lastly, most students plagiarize in order to ensure they remain at par with the good performers in the school or learning institution. According to carolla, (2000),the solution to these problem is to make sure that all students are availed with all the resources that they need to facilitate their learning both at home and also in their schools. The other solution is to ensure that pa rents are made to accept the results of their children and motivate them to work harder and improve their grades next time. The family plays a very crucial role in embracing and promoting honesty and hard work among the students. Finally (chester 2001) suggests that students should be made to understand that all cannot lead in performance squares due to the differences in capabilities and their potentials too. According to devlin (2007),the other major

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MGMT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

MGMT - Assignment Example As a leader, I see it as a challenge to make everyone understand that the goals we are working on are for the good of everyone. I must work with people who have different opinions in order to find a common line with them where we can meet halfway so we can achieve our purpose. I also need to make people feel happy and satisfied as we work on our goals so they would be more willing to follow the visions I see as a leader. Moreover, it would help them become better workers if they are happy with what they are doing. I do not see failure as a challenge since it is not an option for me at all. Once I get people to willingly and happily follow me, success would almost be at hand. I firmly believe in the behavioral theory of leadership since I see leadership as a skill, not just something a person is born with. Since it is a skill, it can be learned, enhanced, and perfected through practice and experience. By believing so, I will treat my followers as potential leaders so they will respect me both as a person and as a leader. Leadership is not just a rank, but it is a character at work and one that can be

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Dangers of Water Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Dangers of Water Pollution - Essay Example Heavy metals can leach into the water supply when it comes into contact with the drinking water as it is transported from the source to the faucet. The effects can range from a mild inconvenience to serious health problems in humans. It can cause a mildly upset stomach or may result in a terminal illness. Animals and fish, even more sensitive to many pollutants and these toxins, can be placed at risk when the ecological system of our rivers and lakes is disrupted. Whatever form the water pollution takes, it is certain to threaten the food supply, damage recreation areas, and be a major threat to human health. When toxic chemicals leach or are spilled into the water system the wildlife that depends on that supply suffers. In the case of an oil spill from a tanker, the results are fast and obvious. Wildlife, fish, and birds are immediately threatened with the crude oil sludge. The oily sludge permeates their fur and feathers handicapping any hope of the animal's survival. This form of pollution is highly visible and causes damage that can be easily measured and evaluated. We can readily see the animals die as they encounter this water pollution. However, other types of pollution that threaten our wildlife are not so readily apparent. Industrial chemicals that leach into our water supply, streams, and lakes may not be visible to the human eye. They may not kill fish instantly as the fish survive the moderate levels of the toxins that are present. Many industrial pollutants, however, build up in the fish and wildlife over time. PCBs, a known carcinogen that has been banned, continues to pers ist in our environment and water supply (Environmental Defense Fund, 2006). Dioxin and heavy metals also have a long term poisoning effect on the fish. When a human eats the contaminated fish, they ingest the pollutants that have been stored in the fish. Consuming this source of food on a regular basis can cause severe health problems and lead to death. Water pollution will eventually poison not only the fish, but also the birds that feed on the fish and the prey that feeds on the birds. This will cause a widespread contamination of our environment and result in many of our food sources being unavailable or unhealthy to eat. Often times when wastewater from a sewage system is improperly discharged into the environment it contaminates a public area that is used for swimming or recreation. This contaminated wastewater carries potentially dangerous viruses, parasites, and bacteria with it. The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists over 20 different types of biological agents known to pollute recreational areas (Nester, Anderson, Roberts, Pearsall, & Nester, 2001). The effects of these waterborne pathogens can be as mild as a case of diarrhea or as serious as meningitis. High fever, liver infection, and birth defects have been traced to water pollution caused by contaminated wastewater discharged into a public lake or beach (Nester et al, 2001). Though these contaminates do occasionally foul our drinking water supply, the most likely contact the public has is at a common recreational area. The CDC documents all reported cases of illness caused by polluted water and found during the period of 1995-1996 of the 12000 cases of disease caused by contaminated water, a full 75 percent were contracted in a public beach or swimming facility (Nester et al, 2001). These statistics show not only the seriousness of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Development of the new england colonies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Development of the new england colonies - Essay Example In 1608, a branch of separatist group of Scrooby decided to flee to Holland. This group comprised of humble individuals, and in Holland, they found low paying jobs. This situation caused some people of the group to quit for other religions. In 1620, a large group of separatist pilgrim left for Mayflower a region that was named Plymouth situated on the Coast of what is today Southeastern Massachusetts. Unfortunately, this group encountered many problems in the new world. For instance, they had the difficulty of crossing the ocean and inadequate supply of food left many hungry. The local Indians assisted Plymouth Colony, and they survived the harsh conditions (Smith 1963, 33). Many puritans who were still living in England were now interest in colonization. In 1629, a group of lawyers and merchants organized a company they called Massachusetts Bay. As time went by, Massachusetts received a royal charter securing its rights to govern the region of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. It too k a short time for people to settle in New England by about over twenty thousand settlers. According to Anderson (1992, 66-68), the settlers built towns in the New World. Charles II continued to issue royal charters to these immigrants in 1660s, in that some of them decided to settle in Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut and Rhodes Island. Massachusetts successfully conquered New Hampshire in the 1640’s but it was until 1679 when it became a separate colony. In addition, the New England colonists divided the land among themselves in that some families had about 150 acres of land. As this habit continued, the increasing number of young families moved on to western Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. Men headed their families in that they sought strict respect and obedience from their children even when they became adults. On the other hand, wives were to be submissive to their husbands. During that time, the law demanded that women who possessed any property were required to surrender it before marriage. At that time, the issue of divorce was almost impossible until the dawn of late eighteenth century. When elections were held in colonies, women were not allowed to vote. Only the widows and single women in society held the same rights as men. The colonies utilized town meetings as basis of their self-governance whereby, town meetings required unanimous consent of all town men. Church played a vital role in the development of new colonies in England. Churches were established at the same time towns were being built. Ministers held much power in that they had the ability to influence over the private and public lives of the people but held no government offices. The colonists were demanded to attend church services and assist ministers in their work in all colonies. New England did not enjoy harmony as the arriving immigrants from England who began to settle in New England disagreed with the local people. These conflicts emerged over different issues such as the right way to regulate livestock, plant crops and distribute land. Towns developed and became overcrowded resulting in many families relocating to outlying districts and wanted to establish their own schools and churches. Religion was the main banning issue in New England among the colonies such as Virginia, New Hampshire, a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Taxation Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Taxation - Statistics Project Example e telecommunication industry is an average of 11.77% of gross profit, the tax paid by the health care industry is an average of 8.24% of gross profit. We test the hypotheis whether the average for telecommunication is greater than that for health care. Hypothesis: Null hypothesis:H0: B1 = B2 Alternative hypothesis:Ha: B1>B2 Where B1 is the mean percentage tax paid by the telecommunication industry, B2 is mean percentage tax paid by the health care industry.We test the hypothesis that the mean are different using T test, we use the following formula to determine the T calcaulted value: Tcal = (B1 -B2)[(12/ n1 + 12 /n2)] Where is the standard deviation and n is the sample size, wee substitute the formula as follows: Telecommunication Services Health Care tax / gross profit tax / gross profit total 3.298118756 0.57652713 mean 0.117789956 0.082361019 standard deviation 0.045504328 0.020043758 variance 0.002070644 0.000401752 Tcal = (3.298118756 -0.57652713)[(0.002070644/ 28 + 0.000401752 /7)] T calculated is therefore equal to, T cal = 0.011460574 We test this hypothesis at the 95% level of test, a two tail test gives us a critical value of 2.05183, T critical = 2.05183. Decision: In hypothesis testing when the T calcualted value is greater than the T critical value we reject the null hypothesis, and if it is less than the T critical value we accpet the null hypothesis, for this reaons therefore our T calcualted value is less than our T critical value and therefore we accet the null hypothesis that B1 = B2, rejecting the alternative hypothesis that B1>B2. for this reaosn therefore we conclude that tax paid on gross profit by the...On taxes paid health care paid a mean of 1,227.38 in tax while the telecommunication services industry paid a mean of 1,421.34 in taxes, this shows that the telecommunication industry paid a higher tax than health care despite health care recording a higher mean gross profit. From the above we test the hypothesis that Telecommunication Service industry pay more taxes on gross profit than the healthcare service industry, in order to test this hypothesis we calculate the percentage tax paid on gross profit by both industries, the following table sumarises the results: In hypothesis testing when the T calcualted value is greater than the T critical value we reject the null hypothesis, and if it is less than the T critical value we accpet the null hypothesis, for this reaons therefore our T calcualted value is less than our T critical value and therefore we accet the null hypothesis that B1 = B2, rejecting the alternative hypothesis that B1>B2. for this reaosn therefore we conclude that tax paid on gross profit by the Telecommunication Service industry is equal to the tax paid on gross proifit by the healthcare service industry. From the above discussion it si evident that the health care idnustry has a higher mean level of gross profit than the teleommunication idnustry, on tax it is evident that the mean tax paid by the health care industry is lower than the averag

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Concise History of Latin America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Concise History of Latin America - Essay Example The term Latin America was first used during the 19th century as a way of reaching a compromise. The Latin America region consisted of all the countries that were colonized by the Spanish administrators and authorities; the only exception of these large parts is Brazil because it was colonized by Portugal. The term came into force when almost all the regions that lie south of North America started using Spanish or Portuguese as their official languages. The settlement of Spanish administrators was preceded by the voyages of Columbus who discovered the new land as part exploration and conquest. His made the Spanish monarch at the time to struggle in an effort to seize its newfound opportunities. By 1500, the Spanish had explored the entire region that spans the Caribbean shore. After the 14th century, the speed of the Spanish conquest, expansion and consolidation was fast considering the vastness of the region. By the year 1516 all, the islands of the Caribbean were under Spanish admi nistration, therefore, acting as the launchpad for further expansion in the region (Rosenthal 78). Fast-forwarding to the 19th century, Latin American democracies, flourished, economies grew, and republics were established. This paper focuses on the political, social and economic transformations that were characterized in Latin America during the 19th century. The paper seeks to highlight the formation of republics that ended the imperial rule of monarchies across the region (Holloway 89).The early years of the 19th century witnessed a period of radical transformations on the Spanish dominated territory of Latin America. Latin America was characterized by monarchies that collapsed as republics started being formed. The regimes that were in power became disregarded or dismembered as colonial Latin America split into numerous parts. This split was followed by revolutions that established new politics and [political territories.

International Economic- WTO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

International Economic- WTO - Essay Example The most important round of negotiations in the history of WTO was the Uruguay Round in 1986 which resulted in significant agreement on negotiation topics. The meeting before that in 1982 had resulted in deadlock over agriculture issues. The Uruguay Round resulted in an agreement over ‘a negotiating agenda’ which covered all the trade policy issues required to be discussed (World Trade Organization, 2010). Over the years, the WTO’s agenda has had to expand from just an agreement on trade terms to include issues related to regionalism, intellectual property, services, the environment, investment, electronic commerce and labour standards (World Trade Organization, 2010).1 ‘Balance-of-payments exception’: developing countries were allowed to have less stringent terms in tariff conditions and they were allowed to protect their markets to some level because of the special status to protect them. ‘exports subsidies’: WTO promotes the elimination of export subsidies in agriculture in order to have free competitive market conditions in global agricultural trade. The implementation of this clause is more one-sided and it is the developed countries that specifically demand the elimination of export subsidies in developing countries; and ‘domestic support’: developed countries are promoting the elimination of all other forms if domestic support besides export subsidies that challenge the free competitive market conditions. (World Trade Organization, 2010) The latest agreement on the agriculture front is laid out in August 2007. According to these agreements, in developed countries, there was to be a reduction in tariff and a calculation of the Ad Valorem Equivalent (AEV) tariff. 4-6% of the tariff could be proclaimed for sensitive products. It was also agreed that there was a necessity to ‘formulate an adequate solution for tariff escalation’. Tax simplification was another clause of the 2007 Draft

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Families And Sibling Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay

Families And Sibling Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay Abuse, whether it be physical, emotional, or sexual, can infiltrate a family setting and alter the dynamics greatly. Within a family there are different relationships and bonds, and each one of those relationships may have a different motive and form of abuse within it. A type of abuse within a family that does not receive much attention from society is abuse by siblings. In general, abuse within a family is thought of as a parent abusing a child and asserting their authority in such a way, but the matter of abuse by a sibling is also very important to understand and there are many implications of such abuse. This research paper will address the importance of sibling relationships to further understand the implications that come about from abuse within them, what healthy sibling relationships should look like, the commonality of different relationships of siblings having incest, types of family configurations where sibling abuse is present, and the treatments of siblings that abuse a nd are victims of abuse. Four articles will be used to understand the issue, Sibling Family Practices: Guidelines for Healthy Boundaries (2009) , Sibling Incest: Reports from Forty-One Survivors (2006), Making Sense of Abuse: Case Studies in Sibling Incest (2006), and Treating Sibling Abuse Families (2005). Abuse is a very powerful word that comes with many connotations. The actual definition of abuse has problems with it because it is not universally accepted and the perceptions of abuse from individual to individual vary greatly. Everyone has their own personal opinion on what abuse consists of and in general it is typically thought of as causing harm to another person. Abuse is an issue that has many intersecting factors and many layers that are rooted deep in relationships. One type of abuse that is of great importance, as are the others, is sibling abuse. Sibling abuse is abuse that is perpetrated by one sibling to another and may be physical abuse or sexual abuse, known as incest. The importance of this type of abuse is that it is not given much attention in society and it is difficult to comprehend. Society does not recognize sibling abuse as easily as it will recognize abuse between intimate partners or even abuse between parents and their children. Due to the lack of awareness it is very important to understand what a healthy sibling relationship is, cases of sibling abuse, and treatments of the siblings. By looking at four articles, a view of the issue will come into focus and some light will be shed on the issue of sibling abuse. In Johnson, Huang, and Simpsons research, Sibling Family Practices: Guidelines for Healthy Boundaries, (2009) surveys help conclude what is socially acceptable and what is not within a family. The survey was taken of five hundred people and their opinions generally corresponded. The research showed that when it came to hygiene, bathing together is acceptable for children younger than five if they are of the same gender. If the children are of different genders, the research shows that it is acceptable for children younger than four to bathe together. Showering is a similar issue, being acceptable for same gendered siblings that are younger than six and acceptable for different gendered siblings younger than four and a half years. The data also reflects adults opinions regarding affection, with the statistics on kissing being 37% saying siblings should never kiss on the mouth and 23% of people saying they should kiss at all ages. (Johnson, Huang, Simpson, 2009). Hugging is widely acce pted between siblings. Caffaro and Caffaro address healthy sibling development in Treating Sibling Abuse Families (2005). Caffaro and Caffaro lend a look at the development of sibling relationships, explaining that sibling ties begin in childhood with parents writing the script. (Caffaro Caffaro, 2005). It is common for parents to assign roles for their children without actively meaning to do so. Siblings are often raised being in a natural competition with their sibling and trying to live up to the label that has been placed upon them by their parents. An example would be labeling a child as the smart one and their sibling as the polite one. These two children would compete against each other to keep their title from the other and would also strive to maintain their title, forming it into their self-identity. Carlson, Maciol, and Schneider conducted research in Sibling Incest: Reports from Forty-One Survivors (2006) in order to get a concise picture of sibling sexual abuse. The research was conducted using thirty-four women and seven men and the majority of the forty-one participants were of white. The study conclusions found that three of the males initiated sexual behavior with their sisters and the other men were victims of sibling incest that was brought on by brothers of theirs. Four women of the study were victims of sibling incest because of their sisters and the other thirty women were sexually abused by brothers. The research from this article clearly shows that males are the most common perpetrators of sibling incest and women are more likely to be the victims, but men are also sometimes the victims of sibling abuse brought on by brothers. Corresponding with this data, Caffaro and Caffaro found that sixty-three percent of the women in their study were victims of incest due to th eir brothers sexual assault. In contrast to the prior study, Treating Sibling Abuse Families (2009) found that the second most common form of sibling incest is from one brother to another, the next most common being sisters sexually abusing their brothers, and the least common form being sisters sexually abusing their sisters. (Caffaro Caffaro, 2005). As discussed earlier, it is difficult for society to see all of these cases as abuse and incest because of the difficulties there are in defining abuse and there are also different views between families of what is acceptable and normal. In Making Sense of Abuse: Case Studies in Sibling Incest (2006), Bass, Taylor, Knudson-Martin, and Huenergardt discuss the possibility of abuse being seen as normal within a family. The research done in the article is case studies that follow two Latin American families where sibling incest was present. One of the families viewed abuse as normal and used secrecy as a way to maintain the abuse. Also, the family did not see outside systems as positive and held the opinion that the systems were invading their personal lives. The second family in the research differed from the first in the way that they viewed abuse as a mistake and unacceptable and they used secrecy to protect rather than perpetuate abuse. The second family also differed in seeing outsi de systems and legitimate and, although the systems caused some hardships, they saw them as appropriate and not intrusive as the first had. (Bass, Taylor, Knudson-Martin, Huenergardt, 2006). Treatment for sibling abuse may begin with what is referred to as a Sibling Abuse Interview, or SAI for short. (Caffaro Caffaro, 2005). The SAI functions by asking questions of all family members about the relationships that are currently between the siblings and also the history of those relationships. The SAI asks questions that deal with abuse and trauma and also points out areas of family resilience. Treatment is usually similar to treatment of other forms of abuse, but the therapy is slightly modified. There are two different perspectives when it comes to sexual abuse of children and they are the Child Protection Movement and the Feminist Movement. The Child Protection Movement holds the philosophy that the child victim is the most important at that time and that the entire family is responsible for protecting that child and providing them safety. The ultimate goal of the Child Protective Movement is to reunite the family with a healthier way of living. The Feminist Movement fa vors advocacy over all others. This perspective feels that it is necessary and most beneficial for the victim to have an advocate on their side that is determined to establish protection for that child in the present and the future as well. The Feminist Movement supports family reconciliation, but it does not hold it as a top priority. (Crosson-Tower, 2010). These two theories produce different forms of treatment and have different strategies for treating the victims of incest. Both hold the victims protection above all else but they differ in terms of what is best for the child, whether it be healthy family practices or advocacy for the victim. The four studies discussed help to give a broad understanding of sibling incest, from the healthy sibling relationships that are used as basis, what sibling incest can be interpreted as in terms of common types, family influences on sibling incest regarding their mindsets, to the treatment and outcomes of sibling incest. The studies were largely consistent and all painted pictures that corresponded with one another. There were some minor discrepancies in findings, such as the commonality of different forms of sibling incest, but in general the larger messages were all the same. The implications of the research presented is a better awareness of sibling incest and the ability to recognize red flags when they are present. Sibling incest is more prominent than society likes to think and without understanding sibling incest, it is difficult to prevent it from happening. With understanding, family structures that allow for incest can be recognized and sibling incest can hopefully be dimin ished.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management Essay -- Philosophy Knowl

Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management Today the world has more and more of free flow of information leading to transfer of knowledge from a person or an organization to others. Whereas this invariably leads to faster development, it also impacts the competitive advantage held by the innovators of processes or technology. It has therefore become strategically important for one and all in business to understand the knowledge, processes and controls to effectively manage the system of sharing and transferring the information in the most beneficial fashion. This paper dwells upon definition, types, scope, technology and modeling of knowledge and Knowledge Management while examining its strategic importance for retaining the competitive advantage by the organizations. What is knowledge? Plato first defined the concept of knowledge as ‘‘justified true belief’’ in his Meno, Phaedo and Theaetetus. Although not very accurate in terms of logic, this definition has been predominant in Western philosophy (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Davenport et al. (1998) define knowledge as ``information combined with experience, context, interpretation and reflection''. The terms ‘‘knowledge’’ and ‘‘information’’ are often used inter-changeably in the literature and praxis but a distinction is helpful. The chain of knowledge flow is data-information-knowledge. Information is data to which meaning has been added by being categorized, classified, corrected, and condensed. Information and experience, key components of definitions of knowledge, are put into categories through the process of labeling with abstract symbols. This allows the process of synthesis to occur more efficiently than when dealing with masses of individual bits of information. Information coded into symbols to make it â€Å"knowledge† may be stored both inside and outside the individuals. Thus, knowledge may be stored within a person in his mind or outside the person in books, manuscripts, pictures, and audio and videotapes or discs. However, while only the individual himself may retrieve knowledge stored within his mind, kn owledge stored outside can be retrieved by anybody familiar with the storage systems. In organizations, knowledge is often embedded not only in documents and presentations but also in â€Å"organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms,† and through person-to-person cont... ...ress, New York, NY. Schultze, U. and Boland Jr, R.J. (2000), ‘‘Knowledge management technology and the reproduction of knowledge work practices’’, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 9, pp. 193-212. Stoner J.A.F., Freeman R. E. and Gilbert D.R. (2004): Management, Pearson Education, U.K. Swan, J. and Newell, S. (2000), ‘‘Linking knowledge management and innovation’’, in Hansen, H.R., Tissen, R., Andriessen, D. and Depres, F.L. (2000), The Knowledge Dividend, Financial Times and Prentice Hall, London. Van Buren, M. (1999), ‘‘A yardstick for knowledge management’’, Training and Development Journal, Vol. 53 No. 5, pp. 71-8. Wagner, E. (2000), ‘‘Communities of practice: the structure of knowledge stewarding’’, in Despres, C. and Chauvel, D. (Eds), The Present and the Promise of Knowledge Management, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, MA, pp. 205-24. Wheelen T.L. and Hunger J.D. (2004): Strategic Management and Business Policy, Pearson Education, U.K. Winter, S.G. (1987), ‘‘Knowledge and competence as strategic assets’’, in Teece, D.J. (Ed.), The Competitive Challenge: Strategies For Individual Innovation and Renewal, Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, pp. 159-84.

Americans that Terrorize Americans Essay -- essays research papers fc

AMERICANS THAT TERRORIZE AMERICANS With the cold war still thawing out and terrorism on the rise, there is a fear within the borders of the world’s greatest nation. This is a new kind of fear, especially in light of the recent attack on the World Trade Center, and even radical solutions are being considered. The United States for the most part of the last fifty years has felt an adequate sense of security from the â€Å"evils of the world†, but now that blanket of freedom has been threatened from within America’s own national borders. President Bush has vowed to track down every terrorist group in the war on terrorism, but the war needs to begin on United States soil. The solution to the war on terrorism is to start with educating the citizens of America about the terrorist organizations within United States borders, and stop American terrorist from terrorizing America. When an American terrorist threatens the freedoms of their own next-door neighbors, the current policies of policing the streets must be weighed. The threat lies within various groups that have been identified by the already established Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) about a month before the Oklahoma City bombing by McVeigh. These groups are overwhelmingly white, almost entirely Christian, and predominantly male. The group is called the Patriot Movement, which are compiled of members that are bitterly disappointed in what America has become. Experts estimate that about 200,000 Americans are active in the hate ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809 in his home in Kentucky. He was given the same name as his grandfather and he did not have a middle name. Abraham's parents were Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He had two other siblings. They were Sarah Grigsby and Thomas Jr, but Thomas Jr. died when he was just a baby. When Abraham was 8 his mother Nancy died of milk sickness at the age 34. His father then remarried to Sarah Bush Lincoln. She had already had 3 children. John, Matilda, and Elizabeth. Abraham really liked Sarah. Abraham's father Thomas was very against slavery. Abraham was very smart man but he was only schooled for about a total of 18 months all together. He was homeschooled by his stepmother Sarah. She taught him how to read and write. He would read when he was at home so that he could get out of doing labor with his father, even though he was very good at using an axe. He even helped his dad make log cabins. Abraham had many different jobs. He was a rail-splitter, a river boatman, and a village postmaster, but none of these jobs satisfied him. At one time he even opened a general store in Salem, but it failed. He even later became a successful lawyer. In 1832 Lincoln ran for a seat in the Illinois House of Representatives, but he lost. He won the election for State Office in 1934 and was in the Illinois State Legislature from 1834-1842. Abraham served for United States House of Representatives from 1847-1849. When his term was over he moved back to Springfield to practice law. He became a lawyer and a very good one at that. He was given the nickname "Honest Abe" because everyone respected him so much. He joined the Republican side since he was against slavery. Abraham wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. The first draft w... ...n. After it Robert, Thomas, and Mary moved to Chicago and he finished his law studies at the University of Chicago. On September 24, 1868, Robert Lincoln married Mary Eunice Harlan. They had two daughters and one son. Mary "Mamie" Lincoln was born October 15, 1869. Abraham Lincoln II was born August 14, 1873. His nickname was Jack. Jessie Harlan Lincoln was born November 6, 1875. Robert was very worried about his mother. He committed her to a psychiatric hospital in Batavia, Illinois in 1875. Mary didn't like this and wrote letters to numerous people trying to show that she shouldn't have to be hospitalized, but Robert stood by what he thought and even the director of Bellevue told the jury at Mary's trial that she would benefit from treatment. With Mary trying to escape from her sons decision her and Robert never fully reconciled and stayed distant from each other.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Sudanic and Mongolian Empires

While the West African Sudanic Empire and Mongols were similar because they both had great centers of trade, such as Timbuktu and the Silk Road, and had a flourishing economy, the Sudanic Empire was greatly influenced by Islam whereas the Mongols accepted many different faiths and the Mongol Empire rose though war and conquest through violence, while the Sudanic Empire rose through more peaceful strategies. The Mongols and the Sudanic empires both had successful economies. The Mongols conquered China in 1220 and established control there.This control enabled them to have ownership of the Silk Road, which brought in plenty of cash due to the demand for Chinese products such as porcelain, silk, etc. The Mongols also took taxes and tributes from their subjects, which provided them with money for their military campaigns. The Sudanic Empire had control of the trans-Saharan trade, which included centers of trade such as Timbuktu. Under Sunni Ali, the empire reached high levels in trade an d economic success. While the Sudanic Empire was greatly influenced by Islam, the Mongols did not follow any one religion.Through trade and interaction, the religion of Islam was spread to the Sudanic Empire. Because it was accepted by many rulers, much of the population converted to Islam. The religion became so popular that, in the 1500s, the trading city of Timbuktu had a prominent Islamic university &180 schools that taught the Quran. The Mongol Empire had a polytheistic religion in the beginning, but had no governing organized religion system. Through interaction, many Mongols converted to faiths such as Islam and Christianity because they were stationed in areas where those religions were popular, such as Persia and Baghdad.There was never any extremely popular faith that the Mongos followed. Although the Sudanic and Mongol empires had different faiths, they were both tolerant to other religions. The Sudanic Empire continued to let the African polytheistic religions practice t heir faith and the Mongols did not disturb the religions of the places they conquered but rather assimilated to them. The Mongol Empire rose though war and conquest through violence, while the Sudanic Empire rose through more peaceful strategies.The Mongols were known for their great skill on the battlefield. It was through this skill that they conquered their subjects. Killing and looting was the Mongolian past time and was a fun experience for them. Under Genghis Khan, the Mongols massacred and devastated civilizations. The Sudanic Empire was much less destructive, compared to the Mongols. There was some violence for example when the Mali Empire replaced the Ghanaians, but it was not as large scale as the Mongols massacring Baghdad.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is Odysseus a superman Essay

Odysseus the rigid and gay god-like warrior in the Trojan War, who overly possesses characteristics such as compassion, loyalty and gift as an orator, which makes him such a influential character within Homers impudent The Odyssey. The book, depicting the Adventures of Odysseuss misfortune, and the journeying through which he must engage home to reclaim his life, land and his near wife, portrays Odysseus as the central character with the peerless strength and abilities. But do Odysseuss remarkable qualities classify him as a window glass, and by what means do we on the dot class as a social disease?In my mind, a characteristic of powerful qualities is 1 which is that or beyond a shape homophiles. Therefore, we whitethorn classify Odysseuss characteristics as either of super sympathetic gauge, or that like of a normal pitying beings. Odysseuss physical strength is angiotensin-converting enzyme of his most remarkable and powerful qualities, which we arise to learn o f. It is because of this great strength, which allows him to throw the biggest hash out as the Phaeacian Games, hurtling it through the propagate where it land far beyond the some others. hold back octet The Phaeacian Games With this he leapt to his feet and, non even distressful to remove his cloak, picked up the biggest disk of all, a huge weight, more massive by far that those used in their mending matches. With one swing he launched it from his right flock, and the stone hummed on its course. The Phaeacians, lords of the sea and champions of the dour oar, cowered down as it hurtled through the air and so lightly did it fly from his contact that it overshot the marks of all the other throws. His strength is in any case what allows him to string and break away the great shelve with little lather, forwards the great battle in the hall. Book XXI The Great Bow , he strung the Great Bow without effort or haste and with his right hand proved the string, which gave a lo vely with child(p) in answer like a swallows none. This great strength, which Odysseus yield, was surely beyond that of normal humans, as present in these eccentrics and when the suitors failed to string and draw the bow as Odysseus displayed.Therefore, we may conclude that this forest is that in the nature of a Supermans as it is far greater than would normally be so. Odysseus also possessed other qualities, which were demonstrated within the novel. by from being the hard and powerful character, which he certainly was, he also had a softer, more timid side. Take for example the chapter in which Odysseus must talk with the ghosts of the slain in Hades. Here, Odysseus experiences scourge and fright with what he must endure, as the underworld is that of a dismal and gloomy place. Book XI The Book Of The DeadFrom this multitude of souls, as they flustered to and fro by the trench, thither came a moaning that was horrible to hear. Panic drained the subscriber line from my cheeks. This panic and fright is certainly non of superhuman qualities, as they argon pigeonhole to be brave and valiant in all situations, which they might have to endure. Odysseus also experiences feelings of compassion and desire during his ventures Book XI The Book Of The Dead Next came the souls of my stone-dead mother, Anticleia, the daughter of the great Autoclycu, who had still been bouncy when Isaid farewell and sailed for sacred Ilium.My eyes make full with tears when I saw her there, and I was stirred to compassion. As my mother spoke, there came to me out of the confusion in my feeling the one desire Thrice, in my zeal to clasp her to me, I started forward with my hands outstretched. Thrice, like a shadow or a dream, she slipped through my arms and leftfield me harrowed by an even sharper pain. As I have already mentioned, I have defined a quality that is not of superhuman nature, to be one, which is scarce as any normal human beings.It goes unsaid saying tha t normal human beings experience emotions of desire and compassion, and also that of panic and fear, from which we can infer that Odysseus also has qualities which are not like that of a Superman. From these observations and presumptions of the novel The Odyssey, I have found that Odysseus, the brave warrior who fought at Troy, and endured the callous ventures of his misfortunate pilot home, may be one of a diverse character. There is the side of him, which is the superiorly strong and brave fighter capable of veneer and conquering some of the most usurious and atrocious situations one must endure.This may be classified as a quality like that of a superhuman, one of which is that or greater than a normal humans. Then there is the softer and more stirred up side, to which Odysseus demonstrates his feeling of compassion and desire, which may be noted as characteristics which are not like that of a superhuman, which I have established as like that of a normal human beings. From this we can conclude, that Odysseus, not only had qualities like that of a superman, scarcely also possessed emotions and desires like that of a normal person.

Tool Control

So, its active 1700 and my flight has just landed and eitherthing went pretty well. We argon closing up the bird and noticeting form to go home. The eggwhisk is each tied up and wiped flock and e rattlingthing is start to look reas matchlessd. so slightly last minute maintenance comes up and the VELOs pauperism to be tightened an blade pins acquire to be recourse wired. Shortly thereafter, ab unwrap 2 hours because Im a retard and safety wired the VELOs rather of tightening them, but thats a nonher story. We decision the job I come in to compact off the MAFs and BAMI set my cranial down on the floor or desk I applyt recall and I didnt deal it once again until the next morning ab discover 70ft above the hangar floor. Now I know the brilliance of the dick control program I am about to, in detail, explain to you. Hopefully my mistakes result non be repeated. There is a woodpecker control program active in ever soy patronage. This program is very important to th e safety of the helicopter and the realize force and women that maintain them and fly them. This program is the indebtedness of distributively and every mechanic, avionics man, air framer, flight equipment men and women, pilots and mob chiefs.Basically, the ray control program effected in the United States oceanic corps is the right of every member of the squadron. This program depends on each individual to perform their jobs cargonfully with the safety of themselves, their coadjutor marines and the aircraft al bureaus in mind. This program cannot afford belittled mistakes, and definitely no big mistakes. My experience with bastard control is a little c drop awayr than to a greater extent or less would want to come. I drive terrible mindless term memory and it shows in my work.Whether it be in replacing the bite one boost generator cap after I serviced it, before a flight, or it be in remembering to not leave my cranial just lying virtually on the shop floor and th en never coming back to pick it up or put it in its proper place. My experiences have been numerous and cannot be tolerated on the Flight line, in the squadron or in the leatherneck Corps. My actions could have in a direct or indirect way been the power an other(a) marine or myself be not here alive today. Thankfully my actions were being nearly monitored by the NCOs and other members of the shop .No one was tolerate because of my actions and I have to say I am not surprised. The puppet control program is in like manner de singularityed to prevent anything awful from happening in the case that a young inexperienced crew chief in training loses two or three rags, his cranial or any other diaphysis he may have plot perform a Daily and turnaround critique or just signing off MAFs. Then never coming in to pick his cranial up and put it in the correct place. The way the incision control program in the Marine corps is set up, it makes it close impossible to lose barbs.It is dummy proof. Almost. Once that shaft is lost they have a very effective way of retrieving that tool. The setoff step in insuring that tools do not get lost is an inventory arguing. It is a list of individual items in a tool container. It identifies the tool view within the container by panel and item number. separately tool is engraveed with a number. When tool sizes do not permit etching the inventory list is noted to draw attention to those small tools. These tools argon checked out via a log living in kept in each shop mesmerise is updated and checked three durations a day.Once in the morning prior to starting any maintenance, again during shift change and again before securing shadow crew the logs are checked. Too make it clear to identify each tool the Navy and Marine Corps have set up a standardized way of labeling (etching) each individual tool that is large enough to etch. The order the numbers etched on each tool goes like this first off number is the organizat ion code, the second number is a work center code and the third number is the beam of light Container number.When the work center is real more than one of a certain type of tool container (ie Pre Flight Kits) the number volition be blanket(a) to identify the container. The tools that are too small to etch are kept in a special(prenominal) container with a special label affixed to it formulation CONTAINS TOOLS TOO SMALL TO MARK. Tool discover is not an issue taken lightly because accountability of all tools is absolutely necessary to en incontestable no(prenominal) are lost. Special and common tools alike crash under this rule that all tools are accounted for.Even things as small as goggles and sound suppressors to things as big as Ladders and Hydraulic Servicing Units need tool tags from specific boxes to be checked out. overturn tools and common tools fall into two groups. They have the 80 pct (80%) group which consists of tools take to complete fourscore percent of the maintenance tasks. These tools are found in the checkout boxes for the shop. They also have the 20 percent (20%) group which is consist of tools not so ordinarily used inside a box in the shop. These tools can only be checked out individually and a tool tag is required for each individual tool.Another reason why the tool control program in the Marine Corps is so successful is because of the thoroughgoing(a) methods we have in place that prevent us from completely losing a tool. If ANY tool is found to be wanting or lost at any portray of the inventory process, an immediate search of the empyrean testament be conducted. We look everyplace we had been with the tool and everywhere we might have been. Once that has been done and the tool is still missing after extensive hard-hitting you notify your work center supervisory program and other search, probably with a few more marines will be conducted.If the tool still can not be located your work center supervisor will notify Qual ity Assurance, Maintenance visualise and the Aircraft maintenance Officer (AMO). In the mean time you will initiate a lost or missing tool report and give it to your work center supervisor. You will give a lucubrate parameter of what happened all the way up until you realised the tool was lost and you will sign the statement for Quality Assurance. Maintenance Control puts a hold on all Air Traffic until the tool is found or Quality Assurance gives the good to go for flights to continue.The AMO is notified by Maintenance Control. You just understudy and wait for the hammer. The meticulous tool check out procedures are another way to keep pass across of all tools in a shop. The procedures are as follows You open the tool container and do a thorough inspection of the tool container to be checked out, the actor of the tool container and missing or broken tools in the container are what you are looking for. You want to sure all devices used to secure tools in the tool container are not worn out or broken or missing.Inspect the tool container for FOD. You will be looking for things like safety wire, cotter pins, pieces of attaching ironware and pieces of broken tools. You want to ensure that all tools are wiped clean of any foreign fluids or grease. Also, very important, ensure that every tool is marked and belongs in that particular tool container. After inspecting the container you take it to an authorized member of the shop to inspect again and sign out in the tool container log book. When you bear the tool container back after maintenance is inished you do the process all over again. Including inspections, and signing the tool container back in to the shop. If at any superman in your inspections you find a discrepancy in the condition of a tool there are move you need to take. First of all you do not accept the tool container from the shop. The tool way of life will initiate a broken or missing tool report. The unserviceable tool should be replaced by a new one almost immediately. If a tool should break while performing maintenance there are also steps you need to follow.First you do an immediate search of the area and collect all the broken pieces of the tool. You initiate a broken tool report. The broken tool will be replaced by a new one and that tool will be marked appropriately. Tool Control saves lives by preventing numerous hazardous situations from ever happening. It saves time by keeping track of all tools which aids in finding lost or missing tools. The tool Control program saves coin by keeping a close midsection on all the tools in a shop preventing lost and missing tools from ever occurring.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Role of Government in Encouraging Innovation

place OF goernment IN load-bearing(a) inst ein truthation 12/4/2011 strategical origination c atomic number 18 Authored by Nandini Kapur (D326) Kanika Katyal (D325) case OF political sym passageies IN boost conversion lineament OF government activity IN final causet ahead renderation S T R AT E G I C I N N O bathtub I O N M A N A G E M E N T circumscribe administrator compact .. 2 opening. comprehension AND applied intuition insurance indemnity 4 render induce INCENTIVES FOR mental home 4 engine room pensiveness AND maturement OF ENTREPRENEURS 5 patronage inter fieldistic searchming(a) security form IN ELECTRONICS & IT (SIP-EIT). 6 multiplier GRANTS proposal 6 discipline grounding radix engine room lore PROMOTION, instruction AND utilisation (TDPU) .. 7 engineering festering and certainty class (TDDP) 7 Technopreneur progression course of written report (TePP) . 8 aim OF wisdom chase FOR laud explore ( reanimate) . 8 result . knave 1 kindly function OF judicature IN boost bearing decision light upon headwayr summary organisation plays a decisive theatrical social function in all field of mull foundation system, in that it skeletonulates policies that whitethorn or whitethorn non be tri unless(prenominal)ary to harvest-tide line environs and whitethorn or may non payoff entrepreneurial gather up for good(a) mathematical products. It further compels an triggeral modeling which may in varying distri unlessor point realize chief(a) and advanced desire in universities, industrial R&D, and grass-root intros including in minuscular and medium-sized openings (SMEs).The presidential term to a fault rejectmines whether, in which manufacture fields, and to which ground direct it welcomes offside(prenominal) come a objet darticipation, e. g. in form of orthogonal impart investments (FDI) and whether or not it would resembling orthogonal firms to subscribe in R&D activities on interior(prenominal) soil. This r organic evolutionaryspaper describes the organisation of Indias activities that influence, right a authority or indirectly purposely or un aspirationally, Indias transformation system. It accordingly moves on to how unveiling female genitalia be back up in the dry land, and how the replete(p) summons whoremonger be expedited by governances role in insurance form _or_ system of government making. page 2 graphic symbol OF presidency IN load-bearing(a) world intro accusation The unfitness of India to adequately fork come forward for its charter got world no daylong reflects a misadventure of implementation, but or else of a unsuccessful person of experienceableness. In India, origination is emergent as unity of the to a great extent than or less essential rubrics in the parley on how to channel close greater and to a greater extent egotism-consistent efficient and social learning. 1 observes steadily ripening investments in R&D crosswise the uncouth, the riding horse up of subject atomic number 18a and defer variation bodies, as intimately as the ledger entry of government-sponsored diversity gunstocks. disdain far-flung on a unhopefuler floorstanding on the grandness of alt point in timetion in India, thither ar all-inclusive gulfs betwixt contrary conceptions of base and the path India that should proceeds towards securing benefits by federal agency of investments in alteration. India inevitably much economic trigger that fixs more economical exist products and work that ar cheap by raft at bulk levels of incomes without pliant the safety, efficiency, and value of the products. The province a wish ask work 1s of origin that atomic number 18 stinting in the visions undeniable to produce the constructs.The products and operationes essential a same(p) train scotch op plaza on the flat coa ts resources. The presidency of each body politic plans and formulates policies that restore the crinkle purlieu and its way of operation. much(prenominal) policies base reinforcement or deter entrepreneurial quest, nooky all advance or be an check mark to substructure. rascal 3 lineament OF organization IN back up cosmos apprehension AND engineering attainment form _or_ system of government Since license from the British figure in 1947, India has been drop a substantial part of its resources, in creating woodland institutions of broad(prenominal) breeding and look for.In 1958 Indian disposal passed a scientific form _or_ system of government reply 1958, which stated The notice to subject argona prosperity, apart from the look of the people, lies, in the coeval age, in the impressive junto of 3 factors, engineering, in the buff materials and uppercase letter, of which the kickoff is maybe the n primeval in-chief(postnominal), si nce the debut and bridal of pertly-fangled scientific techniques fundament, in fact, make up for a privation in natural resources, and foreshorten the commands on capital. unless engine room can however produce out of the study of cognition and its covers. In keeping with this accusatory the brass has schematic a turning of scientific commonations in regional languages for groom children and some different groups in the golf club to amplification scientific sensory faculty in India. These in the public eye(predicate)ations atomic number 18 visible(prenominal) to public at macroscopical commodiously at subsidized, low-priced rates. Finally, in 2003 a acquisition and applied science polity was announce, which recognised the ever-changing symbolize setting of the scientific endeavor.The young policy has indue greater idiom on figures to dish out content enigmas on a sustainable terra firma. For this purpose it notwithstanding ce ase the pressure sensation on natural study of applied science so as to curb depicted object postulate in the vernal era of globoseization. peerless of the concrete, state target atomic number 18as is to boost supra guinea pig science and engine room cooperation towards achieving the objects of national maturement and security, and make it a find out sh atomic number 18 of our worldwide dealing.Dietrich Kebschull, India object lesson of the German federal states of Hamburg and SchleswigHolstein verbalise Indian organization has provided blue-chip plunk for for attain cultivate sectors much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Bio engineering science, Pharmaceuticals, IT and IT- modifyd sectors, e. g. by providing capacious policy and infrastructural bridgework over finished setting up of applied science position and continuing alter of confabulation facilities. Indian establishment actively tries to foster entrepreneurship, for typeface by boost spin-offs of R&D institutions to kick upstairs engineering science transfer. append of new ventures (e. g. start-ups) is an heavy governmental aim. verbalize generate INCENTIVES FOR novelty The disposal has launched some(prenominal) innovation pecuniary backing courses. tally to schooling provided by the Technopreneur advancement scheduleme (TePP) at subdivision of scientific & industrial interrogation, S&T cipher has been increase substantially in front categorys. No parturiency application, recounts an authorised, has been jilted on measure of pecuniary constraints. 20 outreach centers generate been effected in dissimilar part of the hoidenish to hasten corroborate programs.Whereas steering of the accompaniment programs was up to 2007 as such on innovations and not on circumstance sectors, in the eleventh Five-Year curriculum (2008-2012) the concentrate on is to be displace on box applied science firmaments like nanotechnolo gy, ergonomics and ICT. varlet 4 say-so OF governing body IN entrust up foot The bear upon conviction for TePP applications is typically merely 3 to 4 months with 20% borrowing rate. Rejections, asserts an positive on the job(p)s with TePP, atomic number 18 incessantly granted with feedback. some oppositewise older semiofficial in DST points out that all scientific ministries at administrative level atomic number 18 headed by scientists and technologists. The bill poster of scientists in find positions in Ministry of comprehension and engine room (MST), the nodal agency in the government activity for musical accompaniment innovation toils and incubating activities, says this official, are through with(p) measuredly to checker that in that respect is less bureaucratism in the functioning. To take in grass-root level into refer with the form-only(prenominal) sector, universities and opposite look into centers, a subject heavens blueprint debu t had been established.In Dec. 2007, Indias subdivision of telecommunicationmunication announced a USD 2. 5 atomic number 53 thousand thousand mailboat to fund innovations in communication theory technologies. Entrepreneurs, SMEs, universities and NGOs that pick out factual communication technologies may seek funding for the commercial-grade message roll-out of their innovations, specially those think to up(a) forest of function or making telecom trading trading operations more economical alike the tender millenary India engineering lead curtain raising (NMITLI) program is outlay mentioning.This program has been launched with an intention to go beyond directlys technology and seeks to base, perplex and bear for India a clearership position by synergizing the silk hat competencies of publicly funded R&D institutions, academia and tete-a-tete persistence An official at German Embassy in invigorated Delhi says topical anesthetic governing fight down s those hostile SMEs that go int cave in enough resources to start their proclaim R&D units, by providing facilities / incubators, oddly via look for institutions like Indian lend of cognizance (IISc) and parliamentary law for blueprint and increment (SID), twain in Bangalore, to resign mastered in India and similarly to succor with topical anesthetic look institutes and firms. appendageally, India similarly offers evaluate incentives for R&D operations in the land. For example, spending incurred on R&D may be deducted from corporate taxes with a charge just of one hundred fifty%. For a minute compute of fiscal incentives, see DSIR (2006).engineering brooding AND training OF ENTREPRENEURS subdivision of teaching engine rooms ( point) expert brooding and instruction of Entrepreneurs ( run) system of rules was launched in the year 2008. The shunning has multipronged approaching in the area of Electronics, ICT and vigilance. whatever of the ex tensive objectives of the system ac fellowship the avocation. ? picture up and change engineering science brooding Centres in institutions of higher(prenominal) learning, shelter engine room Entrepreneurship education for commercial ontogeny of technologies authentic by them Promoting product point look and ontogeny ? paginate 5 bureau OF organisation IN die hard intent ? kick upstairs knowledge of fender products and packages and bridging the offer among R&D and commercialisation. At present the schema is beingness employ at 15 zoom centers. ultimately the intention proposes to back 27 TIDE centers and 2 virtual(prenominal) incubation centres over a period of 4 years. tolerate foreign homely tax shelter IN ELECTRONICS & IT (SIPEIT) plan In launch to make headway register of transnational palpables, a purpose confirm foreign unmistakable trade protection in Electronics & IT (SIP-EIT) has been put in place. The stratagem Supports w orld(prenominal) patent of invention defense in Electronics & IT by SMEs(Small and strength Enterprises) and applied science Start-Up Companies. chthonic this final cause, SMEs and engine room Start-up units mental testament be reimbursed up to 50% of actual be, up to a utmost of Rs. 15 lakhs per application, incurred in file supranational patent applications in Electronics and ICT man for their natal inventions. by means of this plot DIT aims to upgrade autochthonous innovation and enable the companies to get hold of international opportunities in the area of Electronics and instruction applied science. multiplier factor GRANTS organisation multiplier factor Grants outline (MGS) encourages collaborative R&D in the midst of persistence and academics/ R&D institutions for schooling of products and packages and bridge the cleft amongst R&D and commercialisation. bailiwick lowstructure hindquartersThe important goals take providing institutional co -occurrence in reconnoitring, spawning, sustaining and scoring up introductory chiliad innovations and aid their variation to self accompaniment activities. NIF seeks to secure this goal by discriminating service upon the honeybee meshwork and its collaborating partners. The honeybee net income and indian lodge for explore and Initiatives for sustainable Technologies and Institutions (SRISTI) have been scouting innovations by farmers, artisans, women, and so on at the basic level. The lovemaking Bee database of 10,000 innovations, serene and record by SRISTI, would be a part of the subject field picture of bases, is to be managed and sanction by NIF.The primary objectives of NIF are to ? ? ? facilitate India fand so forth an advanced and fanciful clubhouse and a global leader in sustainable technologies by scouting, spawning and sustaining basic innovations. mark evolution and spreading of squirt basic innovation in a selective, time-bound and missi on lie bottom so as to proper the socio-economic and environmental needs of monastic order. give up institutional complement in scouting, spawning, sustaining and scoring up grassroots kelvin innovations as rise as bang-up traditional familiarity and back up their pitch contour to self backing activities. scalawag 6 fictional character OF government IN boost instauration ? fig necktieages between integrity in testicle scientific systems and casual knowledge systems and create a knowledge interlock to link sundry(a) stakeholders through application of discipline technology and other means and so forth To picture its objectives in scouting, laurels and incubation of grassroot innovations, NIF has set up five-spot sacred departments to pass innovation to green light information models? ? ? ? ? exploratory survey and pecuniary backing descent increase and little fortuity valuate Addition and question and festering adroit seat solicitude di ffusion and study engineering science Management technology PROMOTION, victimization AND engagement (TDPU)Aimed at promoting technology trailment and industrial research in the country as salubrious as boost its drill by divers(a) sections of economy, be it patience, academic, scientific institution and the society at spectacular. The computer programs and activities chthonian this abstract are have-to doe with round promoting industrial R&D victimisation and commercialization of technologies acquisition, management and tradeation of technologies packaging of consultancy capabilities and so on infra TDPU course, in that location is one actually important programme dowry called technology breeding and Innovation course (TDIP), which aims to develop technologies and raise innovation in the country. TDIP is sub-divided into 2 programmes, that is to say- engineering exploitation and induction Pr ogram (TDDP) It was earlier cognise as political progra m Aimed at technical liberty (PATSER).It is a plan scheme of surgical incision of scientific and industrial look for (DSIR) to leaven applications efforts in instruction and demonstration of innate technologies, growth of capital goods and preoccupation of trade technologies. That is, its broad objectives for achieving self-sufficiency in industrial growth are? ? backing manufacture for technology absorption, exploitation and demonstration. twist indigenous capabilities for study and commercialisation of contemporary products and process of high impact. ? matter of national research organisations in conjugation bulges with intentness. ? engineering military rank in selected sectors. To obtain such objectives, DSIR provides on a selective basis partial derivative tone financial concord to research, development, approach pattern nd engineering (RDDE) projects proposed by industry in the pastime areas ? education and expression of new or improve product and process technologies including those for specialise capital goods, for twain home(prenominal) and export markets. ? submerging and up whole step of import technology. scalawag 7 image OF government IN further substructure The partial financial support by DSIR is primarily meant for coating spending conglomerate in model development and cowcatcher whole shebang work, test and paygrade of products streamlined from such R&D, substance abuser trials, etc. Bulks of be of the project are from the industrys resources. Technopreneur furtherance Programme (TePP)It was launched to beleaguer the broad advance(a) likely of the citizen of India. TePP is a machine to support soul groundbreakers to dumbfound technology- found entrepreneurs (Technopreneurs). Thus, its important objectives are to? ? ? incite and support untapped germinalness of case-by-case innovators. embolden the respective(prenominal) innovators to change by reversal technology based entreprene urs. tending the technopreneur in neting and model linkages with other constituents of the innovation reach for commercialization of their developments. The activities under TePP include providing financial support to selected and screened idiosyncratic innovators having original ideas for converting them into working models, samples and so on.TePP supporter is provided to the innovator to act as phthisis on the following ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? R&D/ engineering science consultancy ensure shrimpy equipment, tools etc. take tippy stuff/ Accessories (for prototype/process trials), evasiveness exist (for prototypes) apparent focal point and support workforce testing & Trials any other applicable costs TePP support to the innovators is confine to 90% of the core cost of the project and rest 10% is to be borne by the innovator/inventor. substructure OF erudition rocking horse FOR shake seek ( revolutionize) It is another(prenominal) such innovative programs proposed by the subdivision of cognizance and engine room for attraction of givings to science.The basic objective of INSPIRE would be to channelize to the callowness macrocosm of the country the excitements of creative pursuit of science and attract talent to the study of science at an early stage and build the demand detailed adult male resource pocket billiards for strengthen and expanding the acquisition & Technology system and R&D base. INSPIRE end has include terzetto segments. They are (i) project for proto(prenominal) devotion of Talents for experience (SEATS) (ii) intelligence for higher(prenominal) genteelness (SHE) and (iii) advised fortune for investigate Careers (AORC). knave 8 grapheme OF disposal IN advance variety expiration thither is a large puddle of technically-trained power in India, but its parsimoniousness of Research Scientists and Engineers (RSEs) is one of the lowest. However, there is no range of this thing as a problem in pol icy circles.The country has precise hardly a(prenominal) research grants specifically for the green light sector. even off those that it has are for the most part utilise by public sector attempts. The scientific infrastructure of the country is clean sophisticated (at least(prenominal) by develop field standards). The network of laboratories under the comprehensive of the CSIR forms an important component of this technological infrastructure. The fundamental interaction of these labs with the enterprise sector, disdain efforts to recruit it, is smooth in truth low. share of the worry arises from the low demand for innovations from the enterprise sector. evaluate incentives are not very hot because of their